Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School


Intent Statement

Exam Board: Edexcel 

Learning a foreign language fosters an outward looking approach to other cultures; pupils’ curiosity and deepens pupils’ understanding of the world. We want our curriculum to enable all learners to become world citizens and competent linguists who can make connections with other aspects of their curriculum and to embark on higher education and a future career in Languages.

The aims of the Modern Languages Department are:

  • To build on the skills and knowledge at KS2.
  • To embed phonics, grammar and lexicon in all teaching and learning.
  • To enable pupils to respond to spoken and written language from a rich range of authentic sources.
  • To enable pupils to speak with increasing confidence, fluency, and spontaneity.
  • To listen to and understand clearly articulated, standard speech at near normal speed.
  • To write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.
  • To encourage pride in successful linguistic achievement.
  • To develop awareness and understanding of the culture and identity of the countries and communities where the language is spoken.
  • To develop language strategies, including repair strategies.
  • To gain a solid foundation on which to prepare them for future language study.
  • To understand how languages prepare them for the world of work.

Y7 Spanish Curriculum Map

Y8-Y9 French Curriculum Map

Y10-Y11 Languages Curriculum Map