Prayer & Liturgy
‘He has come so they may have life and live it to the full.’
John 10: 10
SEACA Academy Prayer
Prayer and liturgy are intrinsic and essential elements in our endeavour to educate the whole person, one who experiences ‘life in all its fullness’, and are much more than the statutory requirement for a daily act of worship for all pupils. Prayer and liturgy at SEACA is Christ-centred and an integral part of school life rooted in the Catholic tradition, reflecting the values of the Gospel.
Prayer has been described in many ways and there are many ways to pray. Prayer and liturgy at Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy is defined in broad terms as those opportunities offered for pupils, staff and the wider school community to come together to pray and worship in the presence of God. We are ever mindful of the wisdom of others that teaches:
‘Prayer is about awakening to the presence of God within us.’ (Laurence Freeman)
‘The more we find Christ within, the more we find Christ without.’ (Bede Griffiths)
‘In His presence we are bound to love.’ (Evelyn Underhill)
All suggesting that the more we place ourselves in God’s presence, the more likely we are to have the same attitude and actions as Jesus.
There is a daily pattern of prayer and liturgy in place at SEACA. Daily prayer takes place at the start of every school day, as part of the form time programme. In addition, every week pupils come together as full year groups to take part in prayer and liturgy. These daily opportunities offer meaningful opportunities for the entire community to reflect, contemplate and grow in their relationship with Christ.
Pupils at SEACA have access to a wide range of prayer and liturgy within the Catholic tradition such as:
- Year 7 Welcome Mass
- Year 11 Leavers’ Liturgy
- Advent Liturgies
- Christmas Liturgies
- Lent/Easter Liturgies
- Service for Ash Wednesday
- Sacrament of Confirmation
- Contemplative Prayer
- End of term and end of year celebrations
- Termly Masses
The academy marks significant moments of joy and sorrow through prayer. For example, the school community recently lost a pupil following a period of illness and pupils and staff came together to mourn and reflect through prayer. In addition, the school community prayed together upon the death of Queen Elizabeth II and also upon the ten year anniversary of the election of Pope Francis.
Prayer and Liturgy Calendar 2024-25
Prayer & Liturgy Resources